HobbiesEducationCareerProjectsSkillsSocialIt's a DateLet's Connect

🌈 Bits and Pieces About Myself

I do tech sales & I'm usually based in SF📍 🌁


The Lizendary User Manual

🥰 Hobbies!

🤡 Improv — all things comedy

📝 Writing

👥 Mentoring

🎁 Making personalized gifts for dear friends

⛸ Figure Skating

🥦 Reading

<aside> 💡 If you are a college opt-out, drop-out & want to meet, more than happy to show you our little community over Zoom 🌷


🧠 Education

🇩🇪 HS Exchange Year through CBYX

💻 Coding bootcamp at 42 Silicon Valley

🐦 Tech sales bootcamp at Flockjay

Favorite reads

💼 Career

🚀 Cold-calling at LaunchDarkly

💵 Early sales builder @ Series A company

🚧 Projects

Sales Learnings

Fintech Essays


Crypto Tiktok

Monthly Tinyletter

☎️ Call Me, Beep Me, if You Wanna Reach Me

🔗 Linkedin

🐦 twitter

✍️ Medium

👩🏻‍💻 Virtual coworking session

📅 It's a Date!

Schedule time with me and I will call you then 📞

🖊 Or Leave Me Your Details On How I Can Reach You


Flockjay Review